Patricia Fogelman DNP, ACHPN
Medical Director, Dept of Palliative Medicine, Mount Nittany Health, National Faculty: Center to Advance Palliative Care (CAPC), National Faculty: Four Seasons Hospice & Palliative Consulting, Assistant Professor, Columbia University School of Nursing, Co-Vice Chair, Society for Critical Care Medicine (SCCM) Taskforce: End of life care delivery in the ICU, https://mountnittany.org/palliativemedicine
Appears in 3 Episodes
Leveraging the Medicare Hospice Benefit for Patients with Advanced Lung Disease
This episode offers a CRUCIAL overview of the Medicare hospice benefit, utilization logistics for advanced lung disease patients, communication strategies, patient-foc...
Pulmonary-Palliative Care for Advanced Lung Disease Episode 4: Initiating and Sustaining Compassionate, Honest Dialogues about Mortality for Patients with Serious Respiratory Illness
Integrating advanced communication, symptom management and early Palliative Medicine
Pulmonary-Palliative Care: We Be-LUNG together Episode 3: Human Caring: The Intersection of Palliative Care and Critical Illness in ICUs, through COVID and Beyond
Guest Barbara A. McLean, has been a Critical Care intensivist Nurse Practitioner for 40+ years. She joins us for this episode where we discuss the intersection of pall...