Teaching Bronchoscopy: Insights from Expert Educators

In this podcast, Dr. Rosemary Adamson and Dr. Darlene Nelson provide their insights into teaching bronchoscopy. They start with what to teach before a learner even picks up a bronchoscope, discuss how to guide learners through a procedure, give tips for providing post-procedural feedback, and discuss learners' steps towards procedural independence. 
Rosemary Adamson, MB BS (she/her)
Associate Professor of Medicine & Associate Fellowship Program Director, University of Washington
Associate Section Chief, Pulmonary, Critical Care& Sleep Medicine, Veterans Affairs Puget Sound Healthcare System

Darlene Nelson, MD, MHPE
Assistant Professor of Medicine
Pulmonary and Critical Care Fellowships Program Director, Mayo Clinic Rochester MN
Course Director – Midwest Introductory Bronchoscopy and Pleural Procedures Course

Melissa New, MD
Assistant Professor of Medicine, University of Colorado
Associate Fellowship Program Director, Pulmonary & Critical Care Medicine
Rocky Mountain Regional Veteran Affairs Medical Center

OBAT References 
The APCCMPD procedural teaching video is available to faculty at member institutions through the APCCMPD website.
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