Introduction to Ayurveda in Respiratory Disease and Research

Interested to know more about how different phenotypes impact human behavior, metabolism, and disease? In this podcast Dr. Prashanth Muthukrishnan, an outstanding Pulmonary physician-scientist, shares fundamental pathophysiological concepts of personalized healthcare offered by Ayurveda. The podcast covers evidence-based daily routines, specific food choices based on individual VPK phenotypes, and root-cause analysis for etiologic events leading to specific phenotypes of asthma, anxiety, endometriosis, PCOD, sleep apnea, obesity, coronary and other co-morbid diseases. With the help of case scenarios, Drs. Muthu and Von Visger share important skillsets handy for every clinician and researcher in their professional and personal lives.

Prashanth Muthukrishnan, MD

Dr. Prashanth Thalanayar Muthukrishnan is an Assistant Professor of Medicine in the Department of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine and Jacobi Medical Center in New York. He will be transitioning shortly to West Virginia University affiliated United Hospital Center to provide pulmonary care to under-served areas of the state. Dr. Muthu hails from Chennai, India where he completed medical school. Having trained later at the University of Pittsburgh, University of Iowa, and Case Western MetroHealth Medical Center in Cleveland, Dr. Muthu brings not only a solid foundation in evidence-based clinical practice and research, but also a highly coveted skill set called Integrative Ayurveda in Respiratory Diseases.

Tania Von Visger, PhD, APRN, CNS, CCNS, PCCN

Dr. Tania Von Visger has been an experienced clinician during the past 30 years as an ICU nurse and a Clinical Nurse Specialist. Dr. Von Visger has served as a Co-Chair of the ATS Nursing Assembly Integrative Therapy Workgroup since 2014. Her research and published works include assessment of anxiety and depressive symptoms prevalence among patients with pulmonary hypertension; and exploration of an integrative intervention addressing pulmonary hypertension related symptoms. She tested Urban Zen Integrative Therapy and demonstrated its efficacy on pain, anxiety, fatigue, dyspnea, and health-related quality of life among patients with pulmonary hypertension.

Dr. Von Visger is a Research Assistant Professor at the University at Buffalo, Primary Care Research Institute, Department of Family Medicine Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences. Her current research includes feasibility and acceptability testing of a Mindfulness App among college students with high stress and patients with pulmonary hypertension. Her research goal is to reduce psychological distress and symptom burden through the integration of self-care integrative practices in real-world settings.

Nina Bracken, MSN, ACNP-BC
  1. Publication of Genome-wide analysis of Ayurvedic Phenotypes in Nature
  2. Whole system clinical trial - Phenotype specific intervention for asthma in Journal of Ethnopharmacology
Apps & resources
  1. Ayurveda Dosha Diet
  2. Live Ayurveda & Yoga
  3. Chopra Meditation & Well-Being
  4. What's your phenotype?
  5. High yield podcasts and webinars in Ayurveda
  6. The Ayurvedic Institute - Vasant Lad's Daily Routine
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